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Start by exploring Clearwise’s extensive library of expert-led guides. We’ve simplified thousands of topics, covering everything from money and health to business and energy. Each guide is written and constantly updated by industry professionals with years of experience. Our content is designed to provide clear, reliable answers quickly, helping you make informed decisions.

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Sometimes, you may need more specific information or personalised advice. If our guides don’t cover all your questions, you can speak directly to one of our trusted local experts. Our partners are carefully vetted to ensure they are the best in their fields, providing tailored advice to meet your unique needs. This service is entirely free for you to use, giving you direct access to credible experts.

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Using Clearwise is completely free. We only get paid if you decide to use the services of one of our partners after speaking with them. This model keeps our content unbiased and freely accessible to everyone. Moreover, every time you connect with an expert and decide to use their services, Clearwise donates £1 to Oxfam on your behalf.

Oxfam is a global movement fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Their work is grounded in a commitment to human rights, diversity, and feminist principles. By partnering with Oxfam, Clearwise helps bring about lasting change on a global scale. Our aim is to reach a £25,000 donation target, making a significant impact through our collective efforts.

Join us at Clearwise, where clarity meets expertise. Discover a world where finding reliable information is fast, easy, and free, all while making a positive impact on the world.

Why use Clearwise?

Free, credible information
Access thousands of expert-led guides for free

Personalised expert advice
Get tailored advice from vetted local experts at no cost

Community impact
Every expert connection supports Oxfam