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Clearwise is an online platform that provides in-depth guides on various topics, written and vetted by industry experts. Our mission is to offer simple, credible, and trustworthy answers to complex questions, accessible to everyone for free.

Clearwise works in three simple steps:

  1. Search for free expert information on our website.

  2. If you need more detailed advice, connect with one of our vetted local experts.

  3. If you choose to use our expert's services, Clearwise earns a commission and donates to Oxfam on your behalf.

Yes, using Clearwise to find expert advice is completely free. We only earn a commission if you decide to use the services of one of our partners after connecting with them.

Our guides are written and regularly updated by experts and industry professionals with years of experience in their respective fields. This ensures that the information you receive is current, accurate, and reliable.

We carefully vet all our partners to ensure they are the best in their markets. This involves a thorough review of their qualifications, experience, and reputation, ensuring you receive high-quality advice and services.

Clearwise covers a wide range of topics including health, money, energy, business and more. Use the navigation at the top of each page to see what guides are available, or search for information here. Our goal is to provide clear and credible information on the most popular and relevant topics.

If you need personalised advice beyond our guides, you can connect with one of our vetted local experts directly through our website. This service is free, and you can choose to use their services if they meet your needs.

Clearwise is free to use. We earn a commission only if you choose to engage the services of one of our partners after connecting with them. This keeps our content unbiased and accessible.

Every time you connect with an expert and decide to use their services, Clearwise donates £1 to Oxfam. Oxfam is a global movement fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice, and our partnership aims to contribute to this cause. Read more about our partnership with Oxfam here.

Our guides are written and vetted by industry experts, ensuring the information is accurate and reliable. We also continuously update our content to reflect the latest knowledge and trends in each field. You can learn more about our experts here.

All our partners are carefully vetted for their expertise and reputation. We ensure they meet high standards of quality and reliability, so you can trust the advice and services they provide.

Whilst we do everything in our power to connect you with the very best, our partners are third parties, so we can't monitor every single interaction that they have with you.

Rest assured, we work closely with all of our customers to gather feedback and ensure the partners we recommend are the very best in their markets.

Your satisfaction and trust are our top priorities, and we continuously strive to connect you with industry leaders who can provide the highest quality services.

Our expert writers regularly update the content and guides on our website to ensure you always have access to the most current and credible information. Each guide has a last updated date, so you can be sure the information you're reading is current.

If our guides don’t cover your specific question, you can connect with one of our partners for expert advice. This ensures you get tailored answers to your unique needs.

You can support Clearwise by using our platform and, if needed, connecting with our vetted experts. Additionally, every time you engage with our partners, you help contribute to our donations to Oxfam, supporting their global efforts against poverty and injustice.